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Mask breath? Beat bad odour.

Mask breath? Beat bad odour.

Mask breath? Beat bad odour.


Is wearing a mask all day giving you bad breath? We have a solution, do not fret!

With the onset of this pandemic, masks have become the new normal. While it may protect you from the virus, there is a new problem we are all grappling with – mask breath! So, if you are amongst those who are frequently assaulted by a bad mouth odor while wearing one, you are not alone!

Why is it that you are more likely to suffer from bad breath while wearing a mask?

The unpleasant smell is a common result of wearing a mask for long durations. Having your mouth covered only makes you aware that your breath is not as fresh as you would want it to be. This is because our mouth is home to bacteria – good and bad. Under normal (non-mask) circumstances, the balance between good and bad bacteria is maintained. However, with the mask on, you tend to breathe through your mouth, reducing the flow of saliva resulting in a dry mouth. This becomes a breeding ground for odour-producing bacteria in your mouth.

What else can cause bad breath?

Some other factors can cause bad breath. For example, existing dental problems like gingivitis, periodontitis, or poor oral hygiene. Even the tongue coating can be a conducive environment for bad breath causing bacteria to thrive.

But what can we do about ‘mask breath’?

Luckily, it is easy to tackle the problem of mask breath. All you need to do is follow a proper oral regimen to ensure that the bad bacteria in your mouth do not cause an imbalance.


Why not try the probiotic way? With just one sachet of enKor-D, twice a day for 15 days, and you are bound to feel the difference. enKor-D floods your mouth with good bacteria and crowds out the bad bacteria in your mouth. It has a minty fresh flavor, and no added sugar, making it perfect for all age groups. In addition to fighting bad breath, it addresses the root cause of sore throat, gum inflammation, and gum infection. All you need to do is – Sprinkle, Swish, Swallow.

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